Camp Cullom One-Person Relays Sept. 26, 2021
We're going to do something a little different at our Sept. 26, 2021 meet at Camp Cullom. The race format will be a one-person relay or Motala race where individuals will run each of three (Beginner/Intermediate race) or four (Experienced race) legs of a relay. The legs will be short so that the total distance will be about 3 km for the Beginner/Intermediate race and about 5 km for the Experienced race. Everyone will start at the same time but not everyone will be running the same leg at the same time. We expect chaos to ensue with many racers running in all directions at speed! Come join the fun!
Event: One-person Relays at Camp Cullom
Date: 09/26/2021
Location: Camp Cullom
Event Director: Mattias Eriksson
Registration is ONLINE ONLY HERE
Registration closes on Sat. Sept. 25 at 3:00 pm
ICO uses the SI electronic punching system. You can either bring your own SI stick or rent one from the club during the online registration process.
Schedule: (Indianapolis is on Eastern Standard Time)
12:45 pm -- check-in opens
1:00 pm -- Beginners Clinic starts
2:00 pm -- Mass Start for both races
3:30 pm -- All courses close
3:30 pm -- Club Meeting starts
Courses and Approximate Lengths:
Beginner (White) / Intermediate (Yellow) ~ 3.0 km
Experienced (Orange/Brown) ~ 5 km
Skill Levels: All skill levels.
Volunteers: We're always looking for help at these meets. The bigger the volunteer pool, the more events we can host each year. If you can lend a hand, please contact us at