Camp Belzer
Thanks to the volunteers and participants who made this event possible. Hope to see you in October at the Halloween-O!
1 - White Course: 9 controls 1.8 km
1 Toby Gaynor 27:24
2 Frank Baukert 32:38
3 Nancy and Rick Germano 35:45
4 Dial/Pavia 36:42
5 Chip Heberdin group 81:25
6 Pack 472 88:22
7 Ingrid Cummings 98:18
Reed Miller DNF
2 - Yellow Course: 13 controls 2.75 km
1 Dial/Pavia/Vanbriggle 47:58
2 Frank Baukert 59:03
3 Nancy and Rick Germano 78:21
4 Toby Gaynor 93:59
5 Finley Miller 96:15
Steven Passey group DNF
3 - Orange Course: 17 controls 5.03 km
1 Aidan Minto 39:39
2 Robert Minto 55:54
3 Jesus Rubio 78:31
4 Jim Gordon 81:24
5 Thurston Miller 82:06
6 Eric Henricks 99:10
7 Danny West group 102:43
8 Tom and Paul Duselis 140:46
9 Ron Stevens group 162:09
10 Frank Baukert 180:54
11 Paul and John Carr 193:18
Brenda Blacklock DNF
Jeff Burns DNF