Final 2011 Rogaine Results
Post date: Apr 12, 2011 8:11:4 PM
First of all, our apologies for this taking so long!!
Now, down to the good stuff.
The final results from this years rogaine are posted here. There are a few things to note.
There have been penalties assessed for going overtime (OT) and crossing private property (PP), they are noted on the results. The penalty for crossing private property was the loss of the point value of the control that you obtained immediately AFTER crossing private property. It's imperative that we are as "polite" as possible during our events and this includes staying off of private property at all costs. If ever in doubt about whether not a particular section of land is private please assume that it is!
There are intention sheet (IS) penalties noted however due to the fact that we were not very clear on this prior to the start of the event we are not deducting these from final totals. It is important for safety reason that people remember to sign the intention sheets though so we just wanted to illustrate how much of a penalty it will be in the future when we are very clear about the penalties!
Awards will be going out to the top three teams on each course, please contact Mike at with the address you would like them mailed to.
Finally, the etrak splits are still available online, however there have been some server issues that have broken the links. They should be resolved in the next few days. Once they are, you can click here to see all the splits and time data.
Congratulations again to all of our participants this year, hope to see you again in 2012!
Indiana Crossroads Orienteering