Eagle Creek East Virtual-O April 2020
Get out to the woods while practicing social distancing with ICO's Virtual-O!
Three Virtual-O courses have been set at Eagle Creek Park East; Beginner, Short Advanced, and Long Advanced. Control locations are marked with yellow streamers with control numbers written on the streamer.
Print the map(s) attached below on your own. They have been formatted to fit on a 8.5x14 page (legal).
Go to the park at a time of your own choosing, practicing social distancing, complete the course(s) on your own.
Upload your results here. View everyone's results here.
Your safety is important: Tell others where you are going and when you expect to return. Take a cell phone and whistle.
Please do what you can to keep yourself and everyone else healthy.
We are providing the maps free of charge but please consider supporting the club by renewing or buying a membership.