Hoosier Outdoor Experience, Halloween-O
Post date: Oct 20, 2012 9:35:12 PM
This years Hoosier Outdoor Experience went extremely well as the ICO National Orienteering Day event. Turnout, as always, was impressive and hopefully we'll see a few new faces at upcoming meets. Of course, none of it would be possible without some great volunteers. A huge thanks to the following people for all their efforts in helping out this year:
Frank Baukert
The Mintos (Rob, Brenda, and Aidan)
Mark Blackwelder
Ron Stevens
Pam Black
Paula Pearson
Jason Zorilla
Jerry Lyons
But most of all thanks to Al Gossard for volunteering for the entirety of BOTH days of the event, and organizing things to boot. Thanks Al!
Finally, details for the Halloween O are up now. Hopefully we'll see you out there. Please note that there is a new starting location this year. As always we do need volunteers so if you are able to help out, let us know.