Camp Belzer Sunday May 5, 2019

On Line Registration


Beginner (White)

Intermediate (Yellow)

Advanced (Orange) 

Expert (Brown)


10:30 am Registration Opens

11:00 am First Course Starts

1:00pm Last Course Starts

3:00pm Courses Closed - Control Pickup Begins


For advance registration , the meet fee is $7.00 per person/group for members of any OUSA-chartered club and $12.00 for non-members. The fee includes one map, one clue sheet and one SI fingerstick (save $2 if you have have your own. Remember, this fee is only per group. So if your family completes a course together you pay ONE fee, not a fee for every member of your family! For small groups, additional map sets may be purchased for $2.00 each.


Dogs are not permitted at Camp Belzer.