Paddle O results, Hoosier Outdoor Experience
Post date: Aug 23, 2011 10:7:34 PM
Weather this past Saturday cooperated and a few enthusiastic orienteers came out to enjoy our annual Paddle O. Results are posted here. We also had a number of volunteers that were a big help. Jennifer Fields (and her daughter) and Al Gossard covered registration. Mattias Eriksson helped with some last minute control placement AND some course cleaning AFTER running a course of his own. Finally Jerry Lyons and Monty Wilson designed the courses, set the controls, and Jerry provided boats for participants at a deal of only $5/boat. Thanks everyone!
This was a great example of how just a few volunteer hours can make a meet run very smoothly. If you are interested in helping out in the future, just shoot us an email!
Next month is the 3rd annual Hoosier Outdoor Experience. As in years past we will have a booth there for our National Orienteering Day activities. We'll have a handful of White and Yellow Courses out at Ft. Benjamin Harrison for people to run. They are definitely geared towards beginners, but please come out and participate and check out the Experience for yourself.
As always, we can use volunteers. In fact we could use more than usual for this event as it runs both days. Even a few hours of your time would be a huge help. If interested, contact us at