06/19/16 - North Central HS Sprints
Brenda Blacklock (course setting)
Aidan Minto (course setting/mapping)
Rob Minto (event director)
North Central High School, northeast parking lot near Door 5. Directions To School.
Three sprint courses to choose from (1 introductory, 2 advanced).
10:30am Registration Opens
10:45am Beginner's Training
11:00am First Course Starts
1:00pm Last Course Starts
2:00pm Courses Closed - Control Pickup Begins
$5.00/group (OUSA club members)
$15.00/group (non-members)
$3.00/group SI Card Rental
Fee is PER GROUP, whether the group is one person or five! The fee includes one map, one punch card, and one clue sheet. Additional maps may be purchased for $2.00 each. Your registration fee allows you to run as many courses as you like in the time allowed.
There is no preregistration for this meet but if you will need a large number of maps, please let us know at info@indyo.org.
Please enter the North Central campus from the eastern entrance from 86th St. and park in the northeast parking lot near door 5. NOTE: NO SPIKED SHOES, PLEASE!
This is only the second time we have run on the North Central High School map which has been expanded since Fall 2015. Come and experience fast campus sprint orienteering with a dash of forest sprinting.
There will likely be no restrooms open on campus. Please plan ahead. The Jordan Y (8400 Westfield Blvd.) has restrooms in the lobby and there are fast food chains and supermarkets in the plazas on 86th St. west of Westfield Blvd.
Help is always needed with registration, start/finish, and control pickup. Please email info@indyo.org if you can help out at the meet. Thanks!