Hoosier Outdoor Experience
Post date: Aug 15, 2012 1:56:32 AM
After a brief hiatus during a miserably hot summer ICO's meet schedule is getting ironed out for this fall. One of the next events will be the two day Hoosier Outdoor Experience at Ft. Benjamin Harrison on the east side of Indianapolis. The club has been involved with this event for the past three years and it's been fantastic. We will once again have a booth with information about the club and orienteering in general. We'll have a couple of very easy courses as well for people to try orienteering out for real.
As always, we're asking for volunteers but more than ever for this event we need a LOT of volunteers. We need people to help coordinate our efforts prior to the event, work on generating materials and of course to volunteer in the booth itself.
Please contact us at info@indyo.org and let us know how you can help!
Also, keep an eye on the site as we will be adding more events for this fall in the coming weeks.