Bradford Woods results are posted

Post date: May 28, 2010 6:25:12 PM

We've posted the results for the meet this past Saturday at Bradford Woods.  The weather was fantastic, although a bit warm for those of us not quite adapted to the summer temperatures of Indiana.  As always the courses provided challenge for everyone due to the tricky nature of this particular map.  A few club members also evaluated a promising new electronic punching technology.  If you'd like to know more about it, or see an example of the types of results we got, just shoot us an email.

Our next meet will be June 26th at Marott Park, look for more details on it to be posted soon.  This is a smaller property that's great for beginners, but we'll yet again do our best to provide some challenge for the more experienced folks as well.  Most importantly about this meet though is the elections that we'll be holding during the meet and the brief annual membership meeting following.  Please let us know if you are interested in offering up some time to the club by serving on the board!

Also, remember that the board meeting is coming up on June 9th.  If you are interested in attending please contact Mike at  We'll also post the exact time and location a little closer to the meeting.  If you're considering a year of service on the board, you should definitely consider coming out for the board meeting.  (Not required, just suggested!)