07/26/14 - Holliday Park
Brenda Blacklock
Aidan Minto with consultation by Rob Minto
See park location map here. Please park in the Nature Center parking lot (registration and starts will be near the Nature Center).
2 Sprint courses (3.0 and 3.4 km) and a White course (1.9 km)
9:00am Registration Opens
9:30am Beginner's Training
10:00am First Course Starts
12:00pm Last Course Starts
3:00pm Courses Closed - Control Pickup Begins
$5.00/group (USOF club members)
$15.00/group (non-members)
Fee is PER GROUP, whether the group is one person or five! The fee includes one map. Additional maps may be purchased for $2.00 each. Your registration fee allows you to run as many courses as you like in the time allowed.
All the courses will go beyond the hill to the wooded river valley, but only "on trail" routes will be allowed. Holliday Park prohibits off-trail hiking in the wooded areas, and ICO has not held a meet there for years due to this limitation. Special arrangements have been made to bring our meets back to Holliday this year, with the understanding that participants are not to venture off trail while running the courses. Please help us maintain our standing with Holliday Park by observing this policy while at the event.
Rob Minto has been making map updates with field checking by Rob Minto, Aidan Minto, and Brenda Blacklock but this is a very detailed property so the map will not be perfect. The channels and trails in the flood plain are constantly changing and attempts have not been made to accurately depict them on the map. There are many boulders along the trails, only those with inscribed trail numbers are on the map.
Sprint courses are short courses, often with many direction changes, that are run at speed. The map will be at 1:5000 scale. We will be using the Sport Ident punch and timing system which will generate total time and split results immediately upon downloading at the finish. SI finger sticks will be available for rent/loan for those who don't have their own. Thank you to OCIN for loaning the SI control boxes and finger sticks and, especially, to OCIN President, Matthew Robbins for running results station at the meet.
Help is always needed with registration, start/finish, and control pickup. Please email info@indyo.org if you can help out at the meet. Thanks!