01/03/15 - Eagle Creek East Score-O
Some people say that there are no bad conditions, only bad gear/clothing. Those that chose to attend the annual score-O this past weekend will likely disagree with that statement as the weather conditions were truly miserable. Mid-thirties and rain greeted runners along with a little bit of residual ice left over from frigid temps earlier in the week.
But, despite Mother Nature’s best attempts to keep us all at home, 19 runners showed up to test themselves by attempting to find as many controls as possible in the 2-hour limit.
Huge thanks to Jerry Lyons for designing and setting a truly challenging course (only two runners cleared). Brenda Blacklock helped out with registration and scoring as well as course cleanup along with Rob Minto, Aidan Minto and Mattias Eriksson.
Hope to see you all out there soon!