Southwestway results, annual elections and more...

Post date: Jul 21, 2010 1:7:21 AM

First of all, the results for the recent meet at Southwestway are now posted.  We had a solid turnout considering the heat, humidity, vegetation and famished mosquitoes!  It was definitely a brutal day, but we had runners from no less than SIX states!!  (OH, IN, IL, FL, AZ, WI)  Thanks to Frank, Frankie, Al, Patrick, Cristal and Rachel for all their help!

Secondly, we're a little late in posting the results of the recent election at Marrot park, but here they are:

President - Michael Garrison

Vice President - Jerry Lyons

Treasurer - Cristal Garrison

A big thanks to Michael Sapper for a number of years of service as club treasurer!

We'll now need some club members to volunteer their efforts for the board.  Expect another announcement shortly with more details on how you can help!

Finally, be sure to check out the trail day coming up on August 10th at Southwestway Park.  It's a great way to give back to one of the properties that the club gets to use for it's meet.

See you out there!