03/29/14 - Conquer The Crossroads Rogaine

LOCATION: Brown County State Park (HQ at Ogle Lake)

DATE: March 29th, 2014

DIRECTOR: Frank Baukert (fbaukert@indyo.org)





Registration opens - 7:30am

12-hour course start - 9:00am

6-hour course start - 10:00am


TEAMS: Teams will consist of 2-5 members. Junior teams must have an experienced member. A team with a member 14 years or younger must have 1 person over 18 years of age. There will be no solo competitors allowed.


DIVISIONS: Divisions within each course will be determined based on entries received as of March 23rd.


AWARDS: Awards will be given to the top finishers in each category. Categories might be grouped depending on registration. Although we will have no shirts this year, we WILL have plaques ON SITE at the end of the event!


FEES & REGISTRATION DEADLINE: $25 per person if postmarked by March 23rd , 2014. If postmarked March 24th -27th, add $5 per person late fee.


PLEASE NOTE that if registering by mail, BOTH the registration form and the separate waiver must be completed and sent in. A rogaine waiver form must be completed for each member of the team. Both forms are attached to this event page.


ONLINE REGISTRATION: https://secure.getmeregistered.com/ConquerTheCrossroads


EMBARGO: The 2014 Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine course is EMBARGOED effective January 20th, 2014. This means that all portions of Brown County State Park are OFF LIMITS to all eventual competitors whether they are currently registered or not! Embargo will be in effect through Saturday March 29th, 2014. This embargo is being imposed in order to provide the most "level playing field" for all teams. Please respect the spirit of this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@indyo.org.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NEED THE WAIVER FORM IN ADDITION TO THE INFO FORM!  If you forget to mail your waivers in with your registration, bring them with you the morning of the event. Thanks!


VOLUNTEERS: The rogaine is our biggest event every year, and takes a lot of work! If you can help hang bags, help with day-of-event stuff like registration or the HQ/hash house, or help with control retrieval, please contact Frank directly at fbaukert@indyo.org. Thank you!