09/28/19 Camp Cullom
Join us for a series of short courses at ICO's northern most map near Frankfort, In. Veteran orienteers Mattais Eriksson and Al Gossard will be preparing three short courses for us.
Beginner (White)
Advanced Sprint 1
Advanced Sprint 2
The course setters recommend wearing long pants for the advanced courses.
9:30 am Registration Opens
9:45 am Beginners Clinic
10:00 am First Course Starts
12:00pm Last Course Starts
1:30 pm Courses Closed - Control Pickup Begins
On-site registration only. Please let us know (info@indyo.org) if you will be bringing a group so we will have enough maps. The meet fee is $7.00 per person/group for members of any OUSA-chartered club and $12.00 for non-members. The fee includes one map, one clue sheet and one SI fingerstick (save $2 if you have have your own). Remember, this fee is only per group. So if your family completes a course together you pay ONE fee, not a fee for every member of your family! For small groups, additional map sets may be purchased for $2.00 each.