2010 Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine wrap-up

Post date: Mar 22, 2010 1:57:18 AM

This past Saturday's Conquer the Crossroads rogaine was a huge success with a great turnout and some fantastic weather.  Following are some words from the event director, Frank Baukert.


Saturday dawned chilly, but sunny for the eighth edition of the Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine. Despite the good weather, we went ahead and held the event anyway. 

The 12-hour teams started at 9:00 AM, to be followed by the 6-hr teams at 11:00 AM. While the day gradually warmed up, the action on the course heated up faster than that. Team Bushwhacker cleared the course in 8:17 finishing a minute behind the last 6-hour team. Teams Indy Rootstock STC, Mystic/Graygoat, and Over The Hill Gang also cleared the course. Results for both courses can be accessed via the link below. 

2010 Rogaine Results

Everyone seemed to have had a good time. For those of you who asked, CP#17 & CP#18 were both in the correct place, and other teams were able to find them.

A pair of sunglasses was found on the course, to claim them, contact me.

As always, it takes a small army of volunteers to make an event a success, and this one is no exception. Thanks to Mike Garrison for handling registration. Thanks to Jerry Lyons for assistance with maps, permits, and the wonderful food we enjoyed. A big thank you to Ernie Mowell and Doug Peterson for their assistance in putting out the controls. Thanks to Carrie Kirkpatrick and Rachel Moir for their assistance with check-in and finishing. Thanks to Eric Henricks, Al Gossard, Patrick Corrigan, and Carrie Kirkpatrick for control retrieval. 

Finally, thanks to my son, Frank, for putting up with the terrible imposition on his social life. 

 --Frank Baukert

And last but certainly not least, a HUGE resounding thank you to Frank for heading up the rogaine effort yet again.  He has been the driving force behind this event every year that his vehicle has not conspired against him!

Next up is our standard meet at Ransburg Boyscout camp.  Check out this link for more details.  As always we can't put on these events without help from all of you, so if you're interested in helping out in any way, contact us!

Indiana Crossroads Orienteering