02/15/15 - Camp Bear Creek
It was a brisk day at Bear Creek for those that wanted to be reminded that, believe the groundhog, it really is still the middle of February. Temperatures in the very low teens had some plusses—the mud was rock-hard, there were some spectacular ice pillars hanging from the small waterfalls, and the course setter didn't even have any interest in sending runners across Bear Creek.
Beyond the normal set of courses, there were some brain-teasing training exercises by Thurston Miller that garnered a lot of interest (with the real possibility of your fingers freezing while thumbing).
The controls were put out by Mike Minium, and several visits by Robert Pumphrey lowered Rob M's time in the cold significantly. Brenda Blacklock manned the flip-and-go starts and Robert P. the registration booth. Control pickup was speedy with the help of Bill Donnelly, Ben Hart, Jordan Hertel, Mike Minium, Aidan Minto, Robert Pumphrey, and Stephanie Ross. Finally, thanks goes to the ranger Pat Smith for unlocking the dining hall and giving all the finishers shelter.
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