2010 ICO Conquer the Crossroads Rogaine, March 20, 2010

Post date: Feb 18, 2010 3:59:35 PM


To register for this years event either download a registration form from the bottom of this page and print it out, or click here to register online at active.com.  Please note that online registration is INDIVIDUAL, but you are still racing as a team.  Just enter your team name and we'll get you sorted out on the team list.

As in the past we will be offering a standard rogaine format in both 6 and 12 hour courses.

Changes in 2010

There are a few changes in this years event based on feedback from past participants

1) The event cost has been decreased to $25/participant

2) We will not have shirts this year (to save money and allow us to decrease entry fees)

3) We will have award plaques ON SITE at the event to award our top finishers.  At the very least we will have awards for the top three finishers on each course, we will add divisions based on entries received.

Event Details

LOCATION: Yellowwood State Forest

DATE:  March 20, 2010

TIMES: Registration opens - 7:30am

           12 hour course start - 9am

            6 hour course start - 11am

TEAMS: Teams will consist of 2-5 members. Junior te ams must have an experienced member. A team

with a member 14 years or younger must have 1 person over 18 years of age. There will be no solo

competitors allowed.

DIVISIONS: Divisions within each course will be determined based on entiries received as of March 13th.

AWARDS: Awards will be given to the top finishers in each category. Categories might be grouped

depending on registration. Although we will have no shirts this year, we WILL have plaques ON SITE at the

end of the event!

FEES & REGISTRATION DEADLINE: $25 per person if postmarked by March 10th , 2010. March 11th

-17th, add $5 per person late fee.

EMBARGO: The 2010 Conquer the Crossroads course is EMBARGOED effective February 11 , 2010. This means that all portions of Yellowwood State Forest are OFF LIMITS to all eventual competitors whether they are currently registered or not!  Embargo will be in effect through Saturday March 20 th, 2010. This embargo is being imposed in order to provide the most "level playing field" for all teams. Please respect the spirit of this rule. If you have any

questions, feel free to contact Mike at: mgarrison@indyo.org or (317) 456-2112.  

LODGING: Hotels are available in Bloomington and Nashville, camping is also available in the state forest. You can visit http://www.stateparks.com/morgan_monroe.html for more details on camping and other amenities within the state forest.


Need teammates?  Post your information in the comments section below and we'll see what we can do to help everyone get on a team.


Got any questions?  Contact us!